Attention Parents of Rising Kindergarteners:
The Waterford Upstart program is available at no cost to families of rising Kindergarteners (age 4-5) this summer. Here are a few tidbits about the program
The program is open to any rising Kindergartener in Virginia.
The program is especially interested in targeting families who:
have low incomes;
are minority;
speak a language other than English;
have children with disabilities, and;
have children who will attend the targeted school divisions (identified by VDOE as high-needs).
The program is designed to support children and their families with school readiness skills through the summer.
The program provides a computer and access to internet for families who need it (families who complete the summer program keep the computer).
The program includes a 20-minute online lesson (academic + social/emotional supports), 5 days a week, 13 weeks over the summer, plus coaching supports for parents, all done at home and online.
The deadline for families to express interest is June 6.
Beth Plewa is the point of contact for this program-- Email Beth Plewa . Please feel free to email her, if you have any questions.
See the fliers below for more information
Waterford Upstart SLP 22 English final
Waterford Upstart SLP 22 Spanish final