Principal's Message
As the Principal of Westhaven Elementary School, I am honored to have the opportunity and privilege to lead this awesome school family for the 4th year. I bring 25 years of experience to the Westhaven Team. The last nineteen of which have been with Portsmouth Public Schools. I am excited to share my knowledge and skills as an instructional leader with the students, staff and the community stakeholders of Westhaven Elementary School.
My goal as principal is to ensure students are taught in a safe, supportive, nurturing and encouraging environment. Our theme is "Stepping Into Success Daily." We will reach success daily by incorporating academic rigor, teaching students to use critical thinking skills, and helping them realize their potential academically, socially and emotionally.
I will support the instructional team and lead the school to succeed in closing the achievement gap and improving student performances in all content areas.This is accomplished by working collaboratively and building positive relationships with our students, parents and guardians and our educational partners in the community. I look forward to working as a team to enable our students to soar into excellence. We are "Stepping Into Success Daily" with your partnership and support.
Best Regards,
Patrizia Grigsby, Ph.D.